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In Turkey, an Inevitable Shift in Foreign Policy 15 octobre 2013

Posted by Acturca in Middle East / Moyen Orient, Turkey-EU / Turquie-UE, USA / Etats-Unis.
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Stratfor (USA)

October 14, 2013

Summary. Turkey’s Middle East policy under the ruling Justice and Development Party has broadly focused on two ambitious objectives: deepening influence in the Arab world through the empowerment of moderate Sunni Islamist forces and a visibly antagonistic relationship with Israel, and using political and economic appeasement to contain Kurdish separatism. (suite…)

As the power axes fracture, so do hopes of stability 15 octobre 2013

Posted by Acturca in Middle East / Moyen Orient, Turkey / Turquie.
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The Guardian (UK) Tuesday, October 15, 2013, p. 34

Wadah Khanfar *

Mubarak’s fall convulsed the old Middle East order. But until co-operation replaces conflict, turmoil and chaos will prevail. (suite…)